
The Justice Department is facing accusations of withholding information regarding an investigation into Hunter Biden’s alleged involvement in activities related to “prostitution or debauchery.” A government watchdog group, The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project, has filed a lawsuit in Delaware federal court in an attempt to obtain records that could shed light on whether Hunter Biden should be further scrutinized under the Mann Act of 1910.

The Mann Act, which was enacted during a time when prostitution was more common, makes it a felony to knowingly transport women or girls across state or international lines for the purpose of engaging in prostitution or debauchery. The legal brief filed by the Oversight Project includes details from a 2023 interview transcript with IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler, who mentioned efforts by the Justice Department to investigate potential Mann Act violations involving Hunter Biden’s associates.

Ziegler highlighted the deductions of expenses related to a woman believed to be involved in the prostitution world by a “West Coast assistant” of Biden’s. The whistleblower also mentioned instances where Biden allegedly paid for travel expenses for individuals to visit him in various locations. Despite these allegations, the ultimate outcome of the Justice Department’s investigation remains unknown.

The Oversight Project’s attorney, Kyle Brosnan, asserts that the Justice Department possesses information related to the investigation and should release it to the public. Brosnan emphasized the need for records concerning Ziegler’s testimony, communications with the probation office regarding the Mann Act, and inquiries related to potential victims.

The Justice Department responded to requests for information on the matter with a “Glomar response,” a legal maneuver that neither confirms nor denies the existence of the requested information. This response has raised concerns among lawmakers, including Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and James Comer, who wrote a letter to the Justice Department expressing worries about potential victims of the alleged crimes.

In light of the evidence presented, Brosnan criticized the Justice Department’s handling of the case, calling the Glomar response “completely inappropriate.” Mike Howell, executive director of the Oversight Project, emphasized the gravity of transporting individuals across state lines for illicit activities and urged the Justice Department to address the allegations against Hunter Biden.

Despite the mounting pressure and calls for transparency, the Justice Department, the White House, and Hunter Biden’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, have remained silent on the matter. The ongoing legal battle underscores the importance of accountability and transparency in high-profile investigations involving public figures like Hunter Biden.