
Former President Donald Trump recently appeared on Logan Paul’s podcast, where they discussed various topics including politics, aliens, and sports. Trump, known for attending UFC events, expressed admiration for the Paul brothers’ combat skills. Despite criticism from purists in the combat sports world, Trump commended the brothers, stating, “You guys can really fight, legitimately fight.”

In the conversation, Trump refrained from making a prediction for the Jake Paul-Mike Tyson bout scheduled for November but acknowledged the skills of both brothers. While Logan has ventured into WWE and holds the United States Champion title, Jake has pursued boxing more seriously with an impressive record of 9-1 in his young career, including six knockout victories. Although Logan offered to replace Tyson for a Netflix special, the decision was made to proceed with the scheduled bout.

The Paul brothers have faced both praise and criticism for their involvement in combat sports, with Jake’s commitment to boxing garnering attention and recognition. Trump’s recognition of their fighting abilities adds to the ongoing debate surrounding their legitimacy in the fighting world. Despite differing opinions, the Paul brothers continue to make headlines and draw attention to their respective ventures in combat sports and entertainment.