In Argentina, dozens of people were injured in clashes between police and anti-government demonstrators. Hundreds of police officers were deployed outside Congress in Buenos Aires on Wednesday, using tear gas and water cannon. The protesters set at least two cars on fire. During the protests, the Senate discussed President Javier Milei’s plans to massively cut the budget and significantly liberalize the market.

The first clashes occurred when demonstrators tried to reach the Congress building, which was cordoned off with fences. The demonstrators threw stones at officers. The police used pepper spray. In the evening, police in riot gear and on motorcycles pushed the crowd back.

According to the Health Ministry, seven protesters, including five opposition MPs, were treated in hospital after the use of pepper spray. According to the non-governmental organization Association Against Institutional Violence, dozens more were treated on site.

A spokesman for the security ministry said nine police officers were also injured. Ten arrests were made. President Milei’s office spoke of “terrorist groups” that “attempted to bring about a coup with sticks, stones and even grenades.”

Meanwhile, in Congress, senators debated Milei’s controversial reform package. The self-proclaimed “anarcho-capitalist” wants, among other things, to declare a one-year “economic emergency”, which would allow him to dissolve authorities and privatize state-owned companies. In addition, the minimum pension is to be cut and workers’ rights restricted. Late in the evening, the Senate approved the package in principle.

Milei won the presidential election in November. When he took office, he announced a “shock therapy” for Argentina, with which he said he wanted to get inflation under control and boost the economy. There are regular protests against his course.