
Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, a prominent figure in the U.S. public health sector, recently shared insights about his relationship with former President Donald J. Trump in his upcoming autobiography. The book, titled “On Call: A Doctor’s Journey in Public Service,” sheds light on the dynamic between the two individuals during the tumultuous times of the coronavirus pandemic.

In a candid chapter titled “He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not,” Dr. Fauci recounts a memorable phone call from June 3, 2020, where President Trump expressed his frustration with Fauci’s remarks regarding the potential longevity of vaccines being developed. The phone call was filled with expletives and anger, highlighting the strain in their relationship.

Throughout his career advising seven presidents, Dr. Fauci found himself in a unique position with President Trump, facing conflicting emotions. Despite Trump’s claims of affection and love towards Fauci, the doctor often found himself on the receiving end of harsh criticisms and verbal attacks. The president’s outbursts, mixed with expressions of love, created a complex and challenging environment for Dr. Fauci to navigate.

Reflecting on these interactions, Dr. Fauci emphasized the toll that such confrontations took on him, despite his resilience. Being berated by the president of the United States, even amidst professions of love, was a difficult and unpleasant experience for Fauci. The emotional rollercoaster of feeling both appreciated and criticized by the highest authority in the country added an extra layer of complexity to an already challenging situation.

The revelations in Dr. Fauci’s autobiography offer a glimpse into the behind-the-scenes dynamics of the Trump administration’s response to the pandemic. It underscores the challenges faced by public health officials in navigating not only the scientific complexities of a novel virus but also the political pressures and personal dynamics at play within the highest echelons of power.

As we await the full release of Dr. Fauci’s autobiography, readers can anticipate a candid and insightful account of his experiences during the pandemic and his interactions with President Trump. The book promises to provide a deeper understanding of the complexities and nuances of public health decision-making in the midst of a global crisis.