The owners of the farmareus, Novartis shall be in the hands of anyone. The company recorded in the third quarter of 11,39 billion. Zolgensma, it is a medicine for the baby’s Movements in the months of July, August, and september, for a total of 143 million euros, which is considerably more than the 88 million that was made. That tells you The Time of day.
Photo: AP < / P> Novartis was not until the end of may, with the approval of the Us agency for medicines (FDA) to be the most expensive drug in the world, Zolgensma on the commercial market.According to the CEO, Vasant Narasimhan, has Zolgensma a huge momentum, and they have 90% of the SMA patients and help you. Up to 30% of patients will have the cost of cover through the Medicaid program, ” (a kind of sickness, ed.).
In Europe, the regulation of the drug. Novartis is expected early next year to approve. Also, the other new drug from Novartis all performed well, ” the innovative medicins’, compared with 13 percent of the time.