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Eamonn Holmes and Ruth Langsford: What led to their split?

Eamonn Holmes and Ruth Langsford shocked fans with the announcement of their separation, but the signs of trouble were apparent long before the news broke. The couple’s 27-year relationship reportedly crumbled due to work commitments that led their lives in different directions. Ruth, 64, struggled to move past Eamonn’s outspoken criticisms of their former employer, ITV, after they were axed from This Morning. Eamonn, also 64, found a new TV home at GB News, which further strained their relationship.

Professional differences play a major role in the split

According to sources close to the couple, professional differences should not be underestimated as a key reason behind the split. Ruth’s loyalty to ITV and Eamonn’s critical attitude towards the network created tension between them. Ruth, who remained part of the Loose Women family, felt embarrassed by Eamonn’s public outbursts. This is not the first time work-related issues have caused strain in Eamonn’s relationships, as similar problems arose in his first marriage to Gabrielle.

Eamonn’s struggles with work-life balance

In his autobiography, Eamonn revealed that work was a major factor in the breakdown of his first marriage. The demands of his job and the time spent away from his family took a toll on his relationship with Gabrielle. Eamonn’s belief that absence would make the heart grow fonder did not align with Gabrielle’s need for emotional support and presence. As Eamonn and Ruth navigate their divorce, Eamonn is reportedly furious over the split and struggling to come to terms with the separation. Despite his hopes to work on their relationship privately, Ruth was determined to walk away, leading to their public announcement.