
A group of 16 top economists recently signed a letter warning of the economic risks associated with electing former President Trump. The letter, which has been promoted by members of the Biden campaign, emphasizes the superiority of Joe Biden’s economic agenda over that of Donald Trump. However, upon closer examination, it was revealed that many of the signatories have political ties to Biden, including donations to his campaign and previous support for his agenda.

For example, economist Joseph Stiglitz, who led the letter, donated to the Biden Victory Fund in 2020 and has a history of supporting Democratic candidates. Similarly, Georgetown University Professor George A. Akerlof, who is married to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, donated to the Biden campaign and signed letters endorsing Biden’s agenda. Harvard University economist Claudia Goldin and mathematician Eric Maskin also supported the Biden campaign financially and through signed letters.

When contacted for comment, some of the economists highlighted their bipartisan voting history and centrist views. However, the revelation of their political affiliations raises questions about the objectivity of the letter and its endorsement of Biden’s economic plan.

In addition to the economists’ political ties, the article also mentions that inflation has been on the rise since Biden took office and references false claims made by Biden regarding inflation rates. The article provides a comprehensive overview of the economists’ donations to Democratic candidates and their public support for Biden’s agenda.

Overall, the article sheds light on the potential biases of the economists who signed the letter and raises concerns about the objectivity of their economic analysis. It underscores the importance of considering the political affiliations of experts when evaluating their recommendations and conclusions.