Journalist Bérengère Bonte published her book “La Secrète” this Thursday, May 4. Published by L’Archipel, this book represents a year of investigation by the journalist. It paints the portrait of Elisabeth Borne, currently Prime Minister of the French Republic. A rather mysterious politician about her political ambitions and her personal life. Two subjects which, according to Bérengère Bonte, “shielded” the Prime Minister.
Elisabeth Borne’s childhood has already been mentioned several times when she arrived at Matignon. Her father, having been deported to the camps, ended up killing himself once he returned home, when she was only eleven years old. According to Bérengère Bonte’s investigation, the Prime Minister’s mother allegedly told her: “The day you were born, your father had an epileptic seizure, that was the beginning of the end”. Words that highlight a complicated relationship with his family. In a house with bars on the windows, and gifted, Elisabeth Borne immersed herself in mathematics. Concentrating on it, she ends up becoming a polytechnician.
Interviewed by RTL, the journalist tells us about her first meeting with Elisabeth Borne. After 6 months of waiting, she ends up being received by the Prime Minister, whom she hears screaming as she stands just behind the door. According to Bérengère Bonte, everyone present seemed used to it.
Throughout her investigation, the journalist obtains Elisabeth Borne’s account of her collaboration with Ségolène Royale. The latter would not have let the Prime Minister go to meditate on the remains of her mother who had just died in the hospital. A work experience that she describes as “the most stressful” of her life. Even if Ségolène Royal denies this story, the journalist says that she has checked this information several times, and this with a certain number of people.
In his book, we can learn more about the JC affair, his alleged companion who had made the cover of Closer magazine. After the return of rumors about the Prime Minister’s homosexuality when she was appointed to Matignon, Elisabeth Borne ended up speaking during an interview given for Têtu. She says she is heterosexual and has a boyfriend. This man, whom she had hired at the RATP when she was president in 2015, is very politicized. Indeed, a man on the left, eco-friendly, Catholic, and working in associations, his name would be JC. However, still according to journalist Bérengère Bonte, Elisabeth Borne would have staged everything, her companion had been in a civil partnership with another woman since 2021.