
End of an era: Samsung discontinues Galaxy Store services for Tizen smartwatches

Samsung, a major player in the smartwatch industry, has recently announced the termination of Galaxy Store services for Tizen smartwatches, marking the end of an era for these devices. This decision will have a significant impact on users of older Tizen-based smartwatches, such as the Galaxy Watch and Galaxy Watch 3.

The termination schedule posted by Samsung includes the following key dates:

– September 30, 2024: The Galaxy Store will no longer sell paid Tizen watch content.
– May 31, 2025: New downloads of free Tizen watch content will be disabled.
– September 30, 2025: Re-downloads of Tizen content will be prohibited, effectively ending access to any further paid or free content for Tizen watches.

This termination schedule applies to all Samsung Gear smartwatches and Galaxy-branded watches running on Tizen OS. Users of these devices will soon face restrictions in accessing core services and downloading new content, with the eventual complete shutdown of Galaxy Store services in 2025.

While this news may be concerning for users of older Tizen smartwatches, Samsung’s newer Wear OS-based smartwatches, such as the Galaxy Watch 4, are not affected by this decision. If you are still using an older Tizen Galaxy Watch, now may be a good time to consider upgrading to a newer smartwatch model to ensure continued access to the latest features and services.

Have you been impacted by Samsung’s decision to discontinue Galaxy Store services for Tizen smartwatches? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. If you have any tips or insights to share, you can reach out to us at news@androidauthority.com. Your feedback is valuable to us!