
Environment. The Mediterranean Sea facing “underwater fires”

The evolution of sea water temperature around the island coast has been a concerning issue over the years. For more than 40 years, temperature sensors have been in place in the bay of Calvi, specifically in the port of Stareso. These sensors have shown a steady increase in water temperature. Since 2010, there has been a clear acceleration in this trend, resulting in an additional degree in just a decade. Overall, there are also more and more marine heatwaves, which can be compared to underwater fires. For instance, in 2022, one of the hottest years ever recorded, the sea water temperature around the island exceeded 30°C, setting a sad record.

This rise in sea water temperature serves as a real alarm signal. The repercussions of such high temperatures are significant and alarming.

Experts warn that the increase in sea water temperature can lead to devastating effects on marine life, including coral bleaching, loss of biodiversity, and disruptions in ecosystems. Additionally, the rise in water temperature can also have an impact on weather patterns, causing more extreme weather events such as hurricanes and cyclones.

Efforts are being made to address this issue, including monitoring and research initiatives to better understand the impact of rising sea temperatures. It is crucial for policymakers and the public to take action to mitigate the effects of climate change on the Mediterranean Sea and its delicate ecosystem.

In conclusion, the rising sea water temperatures in the Mediterranean Sea are a cause for concern and require immediate attention and action to preserve the marine environment for future generations.