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Bulut’s Future at Cardiff City in Limbo

Cardiff City’s ongoing uncertainty over manager Erol Bulut’s future has reached a breaking point, with the club’s Supporters’ Trust deeming the situation “unacceptable”. Negotiations for a new contract have dragged on for five weeks, leaving fans frustrated and anxious for a resolution. Bulut, who led the team to a respectable 12th-place finish last season, is yet to commit to a new deal, despite expressing interest in staying on a longer-term basis.

Supporters’ Trust Calls for Swift Resolution

The Cardiff City Supporters’ Trust (CCST) chair, Keith Morgan, has publicly voiced concerns over the prolonged contract negotiations, citing worries about the team’s playing style and tactics. While opinions on retaining Bulut may be divided among the fanbase, there is a unanimous agreement that the current state of limbo is untenable. Former players and fans alike have urged the club to make a decision promptly, as preparations for the upcoming season hang in the balance.

Trust Frustration Mounts Over Lack of Progress

This is not the first time the Trust has expressed frustration over the lack of progress in resolving Bulut’s future. Seven weeks have passed since the initial talks began, with little communication from the club on the matter. The absence of footballing expertise at the board level and the owner’s reluctance to consider a director of football have only added to the growing discontent among supporters. As the impasse continues, fans are left to speculate and ruminate on the club’s direction for the upcoming season.