Event of a power failure at the Brussels Airport the lighting and the escalators dont work
Event of a power failure at the Brussels Airport the lighting and the escalators dont work

Wednesday morning, the flow at the brussels national airport at Zaventem is missing. “Our emergency generators and have the problem taken care of, and there has been no noticeable impact on passengers,” said a spokesman for Brussels Airport.

“The power is briefly lost in the terminal,” says the spokesperson, is still. The root cause of the failure is, for now, we do not know. As a passenger, on Twitter, that is, in the Terminal B, over a period of 30 minutes, no flow was on.

At 11 o’clock, the power problems is not yet on the road. According to eye-witnesses, all the escalators failed, and there is no light at the terminal A. Also, some of the tax-free shops and restaurants are closed.

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