Evi Hanssen suggested Tuesday night in George Late last Night on her new program. In the ” Help, my boobs are going online in search of them, the negative effects of social media and the internet. “The youth is running around with all these dangers in their pocket, but their parents are not always aware of it. And I know, because I’m a mom, and I underestimated the danger of that.”
for example, investigated Hanssen, the phenomenon of ‘grooming’, whereby adults posing as young people, so as to come into contact with “peers”. In one clip, she shows them how to chatmetvreemden.be posing as a 14-year-old girl, and is surprised she is about the cat among the pigeons; they’ll open up. “Unsolicited, I see a man masturbating. I was shocked as I was – perhaps naively – didn’t believe that me, I will come to you. You know the story about perks on the site, but I’m hoping that it will still be exceptions as would be the case. But that’s not it, it’s just a bite.”
More about Evi Hanssen Glance at the celebrities?: Josje announced the new project, Matteo Simoni, shares an intimate photo Out to companies: Phaedra Hoste was a year old, Lesley-Ann Poppe is still in vacation mode Out of at the celebrities: Kat Kerkhofs, and He Will be in the bar with karaoke, Gert Verhulst, was sad, Evi Hanssen needs to be closer to home