
As the general election approaches, the White House is facing criticism over viral videos circulating on social media that appear to show President Biden in a state of cognitive decline. White House officials have dismissed these videos as “cheap fakes,” but conservative tech experts argue that they are cause for concern and are part of an effort to pressure social media platforms to take action.

The Republican National Committee recently posted videos showing moments where President Biden appeared confused at various events, such as turning away from world leaders to speak to a parachuter and being uncertain of when to sit down. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has doubled down on calling these videos “cheap fakes,” a term used to describe altered media that does not require advanced technology.

However, experts like Jake Denton from the Heritage Foundation believe that the term “cheap fake” is part of a larger effort to pressure social media companies to take down these videos. Denton argues that the Biden administration is trying to plant the seed of misinformation to discredit these videos and that the term is being used to create doubt about their authenticity.

Denton also criticizes the use of “misinformation experts” who analyze these videos, calling it a pseudo-science born from digital politics. He believes that these experts are not conducting a scientific or professional analysis but are simply sifting through content on social media to determine what is real and what is not.

Despite the White House’s efforts to dismiss these videos and label them as “cheap fakes,” Denton urges the public to assess the videos for themselves and draw their conclusions. He argues that the videos accurately reflect President Biden’s cognitive ability and that attempts to gaslight the public into believing otherwise should be rejected.

The discussion around President Biden’s mental acuity has intensified following a report that lawmakers on Capitol Hill have raised concerns about his aging and cognitive abilities. While the White House has dismissed these claims, the videos circulating on social media continue to fuel debates about the president’s fitness for office.

In conclusion, the debate over President Biden’s mental acuity and the validity of the videos circulating on social media reflects a broader conversation about misinformation, digital politics, and the role of social media platforms in regulating content. As the election season heats up, it is essential for the public to critically evaluate the information they consume and not be swayed by political narratives or buzzwords.