
One afternoon, a manager discovered a tin of snus in a player’s locker, sparking a revelation that many players were using the smokeless tobacco product. Despite efforts to educate players on the risks associated with snus, many believed it gave them an edge on the pitch.

Originating in Scandinavia, snus has become ingrained in football culture, with physios providing replacement pouches and board members supplying the product during meetings. While tobacco snus is banned in the UK, nicotine pouches have flooded dressing rooms in professional clubs.

Research conducted by Loughborough University and the Professional Footballers’ Association revealed that one in five players in English professional football are using snus, with many citing stress relief and relaxation as the main reasons for use. Additionally, a study conducted at an EFL club showed that snus had a direct impact on blood glucose levels, affecting players’ performance on the field.

The use of snus in football has raised concerns about players’ emotional well-being and coping mechanisms. Many players turn to snus to alleviate anxiety and pressure, using it as a crutch to navigate the demanding schedules and high-pressure environment of professional football.

Experts point to a deeper issue of mental health and emotional well-being underlying the prevalence of snus use in football. Sue Parris, an emotional-welfare specialist, believes that snus is often used to suppress emotions and provide a sense of belonging in an environment marked by toxic masculinity.

The link between ADHD and addictive behavior has also been explored in relation to snus use among footballers. Dr. Asad Raffi, a consultant psychiatrist, suggests that players with ADHD may be more prone to seeking out substances like snus to regulate dopamine levels in the brain.

Clubs have begun implementing educational programs and support systems to address snus use among players, with a focus on understanding the root causes of addiction and providing alternative coping mechanisms. The goal is to create a psychologically safe environment where players feel supported and can address their emotional needs without turning to substances like snus.

Moving forward, experts in the field of player well-being advocate for holistic approaches to mental health and emotional support in football. Initiatives such as mindfulness and meditation programs, psychological tools development, and targeted educational resources aim to reduce the reliance on substances like snus and promote overall well-being among players at all levels of the game.