
The man accused of killing Rachel Morin was found hiding with his relatives in Maryland. Victor Martinez Hernandez, 23, was arrested in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and brought back to Maryland to face charges of rape and murder. His relatives revealed that he had been staying with them in Maryland from December 2023 to May 2024 before disappearing suddenly. It is unclear how close their location was to where Morin’s body was found.

Morin’s mother expressed shock that Martinez Hernandez had stayed in the state where he committed the crime. She also mentioned that her family had posted flyers looking for information on him, but his relatives claimed they did not see them. The search for Martinez Hernandez extended to Los Angeles and El Salvador before he was apprehended.

Martinez Hernandez left behind bags of clothes at his relatives’ house, and DNA samples from those items matched evidence from the crime scene. Authorities revealed that Martinez Hernandez, who is suspected of having gang ties, had fled his native El Salvador after a warrant was issued for his involvement in a murder there. He had attempted to enter the United States three times before finally crossing the border in February 2023 near El Paso, Texas.

In addition to the murder of Rachel Morin, Martinez Hernandez was also linked to an assault on a 9-year-old girl during a home invasion in Los Angeles. The DNA from that attack matched samples found on Morin’s body. Harford County Sheriff Jeffrey Gahler emphasized that Martinez Hernandez did not come to the United States for a better life but to escape his crimes in El Salvador and commit further violence.

There are concerns that Martinez Hernandez may have assaulted other victims during his time in the United States. He is set to appear in court in Maryland on Friday to face the charges against him. The case has raised questions about the implications of illegal immigration and the challenges law enforcement faces in tracking down criminals who move across state lines. The involvement of multiple agencies in apprehending Martinez Hernandez highlights the importance of collaboration in solving complex cases like this one.