Facebook may be forced to be shared and slanderous messages to delete
Facebook may be forced to be shared and slanderous messages to delete

now, the European courts may be a social network provider like Facebook or Twitter, to force the shares, or retweets, of the libelous posts to be removed. That is, the european Court of Justice on Thursday ruled.

finally, The Court dealt with the case of the Eva Glawischnig-Piesczek, a former member of parliament for the Austrian greens. It was for the court, joined by a post on Facebook. The court held that Facebookbericht is indeed defamatory, and demanded that Facebook is the blasphemous message that could remove it. The network is made, however, there is room for the message in Austria is no longer able to.

The case was eventually find their way to the highest levels of the federal courts in Austria. That has now reached the European Court asked the European rules should be interpreted. The EU Court of justice to say that in a court of law, a hosting provider can, if necessary, in order that defamatory posts on world, to remove or disable access to it to make it. Also, should a court request for the content, or identical shares or retweets), or the corresponding message (which is relatively easy with the use of computerized techniques, which can be found that the libelous posts will be removed.

In response, argues Facebook is that the company already has standards that define what users are able to share, and that is the platform and the content can be removed if the national laws are limited. But in “this case goes much further than that,” says a spokesman. “It is undermining the time-honored principle that a country does not have the right to make laws regarding free speech to any other country.”

According to Facebook, is threatening to the ruling of the Court of justice of online businesses require content to pro-actively screen and interpret it, or the content is “equivalent” to any content that is unlawful, is found to be. National courts, according to the company, is very clear to define what is ‘identical’ and ‘equivalent’ means in practice. “Our hope is that the courts are an appropriate and measured approach, in order to have a chilling effect on freedom of speech and expression is to prevent, says the spokesman.

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