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Times are tough, and not just for retirees. The latter, whom the Head of State and his executive have decided to protect, will soon benefit from a second increase in the amount of their pension. This boost, the second since the beginning of 2022, must be paid on Friday September 9, 2022 to all French men and women who have put an end to their professional activity. It will only be affected, it should be remembered, that pensions from the general scheme. The state has no control over supplementary schemes.

All in all, said the Minister of Economy, Finance, Digital and Economic Sovereignty, pensions should rise by 4% 1.1% over the year; to protect policyholders from the pangs of inflation. As a reminder, this was estimated at 5.8% over one year in August and 6.1% over one year in July 2022. More, a priori, than what the government can do for retirees, therefore.

Since July 1, 2022, the date initially chosen for the increase in retirement pensions, a certain number of social benefits and minimum social benefits have been increased by 4%, as Planet was able to explain.

Some others, such as the family support allowance, should increase much more: from November 2022, it will increase from 122.92 euros to 184.38 euros per month and per child. That is an increase of 50% in total. This, it must be admitted, is not the best known of the family benefits to which French women and men can claim. Do you know the others? You will find the precise list in our slideshow, below.