
A heartwarming story of support shines through in a hospital room in Saskatoon, where the youngest and tiniest Edmonton Oilers fan, baby Mark, is cheering on his favorite team from his bed at the Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital. Born 12 weeks premature at just two pounds, Mark has been a fighter, hooked up to ventilation and breathing tubes since his birth.

Decorated with orange and blue memorabilia, including a hockey stick, pucks, and a sign that reads “Baby’s 1st Stanley Cup Playoff,” Mark’s room has become a symbol of hope and resilience for his parents, Katelyn and Tyson Lay, and his older brother, John. The family, known for their deep loyalty to the Oilers, has found solace in the support of the hospital staff, who have gone above and beyond to make Mark’s hospitalization a bit brighter.

As the Oilers gear up for Game 3 against the Florida Panthers in the Stanley Cup final, the Lays are staying positive and taking each day as it comes. The nurses at the hospital have added a touch of joy to Mark’s room with handmade decorations and small signs featuring the Oilers logo. Despite the challenging circumstances, Katelyn Lay is grateful for the moments of normalcy and distraction that the decorations provide.

Living just outside Loon Lake near the Alberta-Saskatchewan boundary, the Lays have passed down their love for the Oilers through generations. Mark, named after NHL legend Mark Messier, carries on the family tradition of supporting the team. Katelyn, who married into the Oilers fandom, jokes about her neutral stance before the wedding vows tied her to the team. Now, as the Oilers strive to bring home the Stanley Cup for the first time in over three decades, the Lays are standing by their team and their youngest member, Mark.

In a heartwarming development, Mark had his breathing tube removed for the first time on Wednesday, marking a small but significant victory in his journey. As the family continues to celebrate the wins, both on and off the ice, they are grateful for the support, love, and care they have received during this challenging time. And as the Oilers face a tough battle in the Stanley Cup final, the Lays, inspired by Mark’s resilience, are taking it game by game and staying positive, just like their littlest fan.