
Kana Abe and Jack Seemer had a serendipitous encounter on a train ride from New York City to Montreal in March 2012. Despite noticing each other, they didn’t speak until their return trip six days later on St. Patrick’s Day. Kana, a junior at Rutgers University, was doing homework in the cafe car, and Jack, a sophomore at N.Y.U., seized the opportunity to strike up a conversation by commenting on her Japanese Sakura Pigma Micron pen.

Their conversation flowed easily until the cafe car closed, and Jack didn’t want to let this chance slip away. He waited at Penn Station to give Kana his number, showing his interest in getting to know her better. This initial encounter laid the foundation for their relationship, which blossomed over time.

As they got to know each other, they discovered shared interests and values that deepened their connection. Kana’s Japanese heritage and Jack’s enthusiasm for stationery were just the beginning of what brought them together. Their relationship grew stronger as they navigated the challenges of a long-distance relationship, showing resilience and commitment to each other.

Their story is a reminder that love can find us in unexpected ways and that taking a chance on a fleeting moment can lead to something meaningful and lasting. Kana and Jack’s reunion on that train ride was just the beginning of a beautiful journey together, filled with love, laughter, and shared dreams for the future.

Their story serves as an inspiration for others to embrace the unexpected and be open to the possibilities that life presents. Love can truly be found in the most unexpected of places, and sometimes all it takes is a chance encounter on a train to set the course for a lifelong journey together.