
Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, a renowned figure in the field of public health, recently shared his insights and experiences in a new autobiography titled “On Call: A Doctor’s Journey in Public Service.” In this book, Dr. Fauci delves into his relationship with former President Donald J. Trump, describing it as “complicated.”

One particular incident that stood out was on June 3, 2020, when President Trump called Dr. Fauci and unleashed a tirade of expletives in response to Fauci’s remarks about the potential longevity of vaccines being developed. This marked the first time Dr. Fauci experienced the full force of the president’s anger.

In his book, Dr. Fauci recounts how President Trump would oscillate between expressing his “love” for Fauci and berating him with harsh words. Despite being told that he was loved, Fauci was subjected to verbal attacks that left him feeling uneasy. President Trump’s outbursts included accusations that Fauci’s actions were detrimental to the country, citing economic repercussions such as a decrease in the stock market value.

Reflecting on his interactions with President Trump, Dr. Fauci admitted that even with his thick skin, being yelled at by the president was not a pleasant experience. This candid portrayal of their relationship sheds light on the challenges faced by public health officials, especially when dealing with political figures.

As readers delve into Dr. Fauci’s autobiography, they gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics between public health experts and policymakers. The behind-the-scenes glimpse into Fauci’s interactions with President Trump offers valuable insights into the complexities of navigating public health crises amidst political pressures.

Overall, Dr. Fauci’s willingness to share his experiences in such an open manner provides a unique perspective on the challenges faced by public health officials in times of crisis. His story serves as a reminder of the importance of science-based decision-making and the resilience required to navigate turbulent waters in the realm of public health.