German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has called for Holocaust remembrance day this Sunday to show zero tolerance towards anti-Semitism. “This day allows us to remember, what can cause racism, hatred, and enmity,” Merkel said in her on Saturday published Video-Podcast. Each Individual in the society with the mission “to also carry a responsibility to ensure that we show zero tolerance against anti-Semitism, xenophobia, hatred, and racial hatred”. “And that, unfortunately, in our current time of great urgency.”
The former President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Charlotte Knobloch, called for a “Cry of social and political institutions” and “social resistance” against anti-Semitism. Knobloch said the “Passauer Neue Presse” (Saturday), the Jews have in this country increased again.
At the Holocaust remembrance day on 27 January. January the six million murdered European Jews and other victims of national socialism. 27. January 1945 were freed by Soviet soldiers, the Survivors of the Auschwitz extermination camp. The camp is a symbol for the Nazi crimes. The Bundestag, too, remembered annually in a ceremony of remembrance of the victims. It takes place this time next Thursday. Merkel described the memorial as “a reminder, in order for something like this is never repeated”.
“We see today various forms of anti-Semitism”
The Chancellor defendant, anti-Semitism and the people of the enemy propaganda are unfortunately still part of our society, “and that’s why we go against it, of course”. She referred to the 2018 created the office of the Commissioner of the Federal government for the fight against anti-Semitism and the planned nation-wide reporting office for anti-Jewish Attacks. “We see today very different forms of anti-Semitism: Even the hatred of Jews by the local population, but also by immigrant Muslim people, take this hatred in a completely different way again.”
Knobloch said, hatred of Jews “by the political Left, the extreme Right, such as the AfD, and of Muslims who combine the hatred of Jews with Israel hostility.” You criticized: “We often experience a pogrom mood in the so-called social networks.”