
French President Emmanuel Macron and his far-right rival, Marine Le Pen, both denounced the gang rape of a 12-year-old Jewish girl in a Paris suburb as an antisemitic attack. Macron stated during a Council of Ministers meeting that French schools are facing a rise in antisemitism, following the incident where the young girl was assaulted by three boys who made antisemitic comments. Two of the boys have already been charged, and Macron has instructed the French Education Minister to initiate discussions in schools about racism and hatred towards Jews to prevent such harmful speech from spreading.

Le Pen, whose party saw success in the recent European Parliament elections, attributed the attack to the stigmatization of Jews by the far left. She highlighted the increase in antisemitic acts in the country and urged the public to be vigilant. As France gears up for national elections, the issue of security and immigration has taken center stage in the political discourse.

The boys involved in the assault have been detained, with two facing serious charges including aggravated gang rape, violence, and public insults motivated by religion. The victim reported that one of the boys threatened her with harm if she reported the incident to the authorities. The attack, which took place in a shed, has shocked the nation, leading to widespread condemnation and calls for justice.

Despite the tragic event, the French authorities have emphasized the importance of maintaining social cohesion and fighting against all forms of discrimination. The Interior Minister acknowledged the challenges faced by law enforcement in preventing such heinous crimes and stressed the need for a collective effort to address societal issues that contribute to such violence.

In response to the attack, a rally was held in front of Paris City Hall to denounce antisemitism, with protestors holding signs that read “raped because she’s Jewish.” The outpouring of support for the victim and her family reflects the nation’s solidarity against hate crimes and intolerance. Calls for justice and a strong response to combat antisemitism have echoed across the country in the wake of this disturbing incident.

As the investigation continues and the perpetrators are held accountable for their actions, the focus remains on ensuring the safety and well-being of all members of society. The need for education, awareness, and proactive measures to address hate crimes and discrimination has become more urgent than ever. France stands united in rejecting antisemitism and violence, reaffirming its commitment to upholding values of equality, respect, and dignity for all its citizens.