On June 17, the body of the murdered 15-year-old Roqia M. was discovered on the banks of the Rhine in Worms. The girl’s parents are in custody on suspicion of manslaughter. Now the deceased’s best friend has spoken out about terrible acts of violence committed by Roqia’s parents.

In the case of the “honor killing” of 15-year-old Roqia M., who was found on the banks of the Rhine in Worms, the police investigation is still ongoing. The focus is on investigations into the crime scene and the statements of the suspected parents, said a spokeswoman for the Mainz police headquarters.

Since Tuesday of last week, the victim’s parents have been in custody on suspicion of manslaughter. According to the police, there is a suspicion that the accused decided to kill their daughter because they did not agree with “her lifestyle”.

Now Roqia’s best friend has spoken in an interview with “Bild” about the terrible beatings carried out by the parents who were suspected of the crime. “There was violence in Roqia’s family. Her father beat her. I was there twice myself,” said 17-year-old Lona. Her father is said to have even dragged Roqia across the street by her hair in her presence. “Her mother once said to her: ‘I hope you die. Then we’ll have fewer headaches,'” Lona describes in an interview with “Bild”.

The 17-year-old reports on difficult family circumstances: “Her parents were strict, wanted her to stay at home and not have any friends. Roqia wanted the opposite. She just wanted to live like everyone else.” For almost nine months, both of them had been going out more often and “getting to know the world.” The best friends are said to have already had plans for the future.

The deceased Roqia apparently wanted to move in with the 17-year-old and get her driver’s license together. The two also discussed an apprenticeship in a pharmacy. “Those dreams have been shattered,” said Lola.

An autopsy revealed that the girl drowned. It is still unclear how the crime occurred.