
Legal Expert Predicts Shift Towards Licensing in Generative AI

A recent surge in lawsuits surrounding generative artificial intelligence has prompted legal experts to suggest a new approach to regulation. Dan Jasnow, partner at ArentFox Schiff, has proposed a “Spotify model” of licensing, regulation, and royalties as a solution to the ongoing issue of misappropriation of likeness in AI-generated content.

Jasnow, who leads the AI, metaverse, and blockchain industry group at his firm, drew parallels between the current state of generative AI and the music industry’s struggle with piracy in the early 2000s. He highlighted the need for a comprehensive framework that addresses the rampant misuse of individuals’ names and images, particularly in deepfake technology.

In a conversation with, Jasnow emphasized the importance of adapting existing copyright laws to account for the evolving landscape of AI-generated content. As regulators work to keep pace with technological advancements, the entertainment industry may see a shift towards more stringent licensing agreements to protect against unauthorized use of personal data.

The proposed “Spotify model” aims to create a structured system of royalties and permissions for AI-generated works, similar to the music streaming platform’s approach to licensing music. By implementing such a framework, legal experts hope to mitigate the legal challenges arising from the proliferation of generative AI and deepfake technology.

As the debate over AI regulation continues to unfold, industry professionals like Dan Jasnow are paving the way for a more secure and ethically responsible approach to content creation in the digital age.