resim 17
resim 17

A boost in the wallets of the French. Since January 1, 2023, rebates at the pump have been replaced by financial assistance for low-income households in France. Thus, a fuel bonus of 100 euros is paid to the 10 million workers throughout France.

As the site recalls, the fuel allowance is intended for “eligible persons [qui] can apply for it from January 16 and until March 31, 2023”. For road users (by car or two-wheelers), it is possible to apply until the end of the month, after an extension decreed in the Official Journal of March 7, 2023. And for good reason: “near half of the 10 million households eligible for this bonus have not yet requested it”.

How to benefit from this fuel bonus, in these times of shortage? Planet gives you the way to go. For those who use their vehicle for their daily journey (home-work), it is possible to acquire this endowment, which must be requested online on the website before the end of March 2023. To do this, you must provide the following items:

However, is it possible to apply monthly for this financial assistance to pay for your daily fuel? If you were planning to make a monthly request to obtain the bonus of 100 euros, it is a waste of time, as the Tax site explains. “A claimant can only benefit from one compensation. The same vehicle cannot give rise to the payment of several compensations”.

However, “it will be possible for the same tax household to benefit from as much aid as it has assets using different cars”, indicates the site. For example, an eligible household with a car for two working people will obtain a single check for 100 euros (200 euros in the event that each drives their own car). Once the request has been made, the Directorate General of Public Finances (DGFiP) will pay the fuel allowance to your bank account within two weeks.