resim 578
resim 578

Inflation obliges, gasoline costs much more than it could do in the past. Fortunately for the French and the French who remain forced to take their car on a daily basis, the executive has planned a number of devices to protect them from rising prices. The most obvious of these is none other than the reduction applied directly to the pump. Every liter of fuel, and has been for months now, costs 18 cents less than it should. This will soon change, recalls La Dépêche on its site.

Indeed, following the vote of the Purchasing Power law, carried by the government and the presidential majority, motorists will soon benefit from more generous protection. From September 1, 2022, i.e. next Thursday, they will be able to rely on a discount of 30 euro cents per litre. Some oil giants, such as Total Energie, have even planned to go further. The group has undertaken to apply a second discount to all of its stations installed in France. This should represent an additional 20 euro cents saved.

Be careful, however… Since even good news has an end. As Midi Libre reminds us on its site, these discounts will not last forever: no renewal is planned, for the time being, for the year 2023 and it will be necessary to reckon with a reduction in the discount. From November, it will fall to 10 centimes per litre.

Moreover, continue our colleagues, it should also be noted that oil prices closed up on August 24, 2022. They suggested a level at the highest level since the beginning of the month.