“Nobody, or almost no more talk about the” state of health ” of public hospitals. However, the situation that Sabrina Ali Benali – become, in a few days the internal the most famous of France – has reported, on 11 January, in a video seen 11 million times on Facebook, made specifically to echo the life of all the days in the hallways of our services : in the absence of available beds at the lack of time to spend at the bedside of our patients, and it all makes sense. More than this issue that many have seemed to regard as crucial : Sabrina Ali Benali is well internal to the public assistance-hospitals of Paris (AP-HP), or not ?
Read : The internal Sabrina Ali Benali against the AP-HP, history of confusion
there are barely three weeks during an internship as an external within the pediatric emergencies of a public hospital of Lorraine, a 14 year old boy is brought by his mother for a major depressive syndrome characterized, coupled with an addiction to video games. How to forget her distress and her tears when, just thirty seconds after you have started to talk to him one-on-one, it melts in tears ? Impossible to not find resonance in the words of Sabrina Ali Benali when the only solution we found was to make him spend the night in the hubbub of continuous emergency.
individuals who continue to suffer and wait
More room in the pediatric population. No service of child psychiatry and pediatrics in the surrounding area could not accommodate. Then, we take comfort almost saying that in this same hospital, on the side of the emergency adults, there was a peak with more than twelve hours of waiting last week. Emergency saturated, outdated, and individuals that continue to suffer and to wait for care in a crowded waiting room.
How not to remember about one of my former heads of service addressing to its internal : “You see this patient who has come from another hospital for probe, he would have had to admit it with us and book a bed. Otherwise, you lose a lot of money for the service. “Regardless of whether it comes from a hospital located just two minutes walk away. Regardless of whether the survey lasts for only half an hour at the maximum. Regardless of the comfort of the patient with cancer, which, if we had listened to, would have been forced to change to a hospital for a single night.
Absurd, certainly. Illogical ? Not when we know the mode of financing of French hospitals. Profitability, it said. The head of service is concerned simply for the budget of its service and for its number of beds. He plays according to the rules of the game. Those of the ” T2A “(the ” pricing act “), that fact that the financial means of the hospitals will depend on the volume and type of acts performed.
Then, in the words of Sabrina Ali Benali resonate in each of us, caregivers. The problem is not so much that she was in a hospital, AP-HP, or another. What she describes, what she saw, we share almost all of them in France. The dark circles and the exhaustion of caregivers are proof of that.
Read also : The staff of the clinic of Tarbes puts an end to two months of strike action
Prevent the boat from sinking
This week, but also in the months of August and November, the nurses were demonstrating to protest against the degradation of their working conditions. With a message : “How many suicides of caregivers you will need to react ? “Sad, but very realistic.
Yet, these past two weeks, various political leaders and media have spent more time arguing about the place of exercise of the young woman, rather than respond to the issues raised. Pointing the tree that hides the forest, or in this case, the small cold that occult heart failure. Even if Sabrina Ali Benali has demonstrated elegance in refusing to disclose the name of the hospital where she carried out her internship in order to protect its patients and all those who do their utmost to prevent the boat from sinking.
waiting for actual responses to the suffering of the public hospital who is dying slowly, I go back to placement next week. Look again to the dark circles of my colleagues, caregivers, nurses, interns and doctors. Tell Me, oh, so Sabrina Ali Benali is right when it says that ” the hospital only due to the devotion of the professionals “. Remember that those who decide to, we prefer to divert the attention and the gaze in the face of the real problems that we face in everyday life. And especially to continue to oppose their words futile in the face of the real evils of our hospitals.
last week, during his lunch break, a nurse is authorized to take one look at a catalog offering stays in France for this summer. “Anyway, we still don’t know if and how we will be able to take a vacation. We’re not even safe to be replaced. “Then, as the only consolation, I will take up the words of Patrick Pelloux, Christophe Prudhomme, and Gérald Kierzek, three emergency physicians who, in support of Sabrina Ali Benali, said in a video :” we must continue to open, it is the freedom of speech and commitment. “
Our first commitment is to our patients and the quality of care we all have for them. Our freedom of speech is the incarnation. Can she and others continue to open.
Dorian Ceased, a student of fifth year of medicine at Nancy, and participant in the ” World Academy 2016 “.