An elderly woman confuses the gas and brake pedals when parking her car. She then drives into the candy section of a supermarket.

In an unusual incident in a supermarket in Hamminkeln near Wesel (North Rhine-Westphalia), a 68-year-old woman drove her car into the candy department. As “” reports, the woman confused the accelerator with the brake during a failed attempt to park in the supermarket parking lot. The pensioner then drove through the wall of the Rewe supermarket at high speed.

The store owner Carsten Teichert described the surreal events to “”. According to reports from the Wesel police, the accident occurred on Thursday afternoon (April 13) at around 3 p.m., when the woman apparently confused the gas and brake and crashed her Honda through the wall of the supermarket. According to the supermarket owner, she drove about ten meters through the candy department before a pillar stopped her unplanned journey. “It really was like a film. I’ve never experienced anything like it,” Teichert told the newspaper.

Fortunately, neither customers nor employees were present in the affected department at the time of the accident. The owner is particularly concerned about the possibility that children could have been in the candy department at that time.

After the accident, the operators of the Rewe market commented on the incident on Facebook: “We are very happy that no one was injured and fortunately only material damage was caused.”

Despite the accident, business activities were able to continue, albeit with some restrictions. Areas such as the candy department and the pet food area remained cordoned off.

The supermarket was open and full of customers during the incident. As the police stated in a press release, all customers and the driver herself were unharmed. However, the building and the car suffered significant damage. The police have begun investigations to determine the exact cause of the accident.

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