Finally some good news for your energy bill! Especially when we see how the year 2024 is shaping up… Salty in terms of energy prices.
From February 1, a new increase in energy prices is expected to impact several million French people. If many households already struggle on a daily basis with galloping inflation and falling purchasing power, this announcement from the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) sounds like another hard blow for the French.
Consumers risk seeing the prices of the regulated electricity tariff jump by 10% due to an increase in taxes. But that’s not all. For the more than 10 million households who use gas, a tax was doubled on January 1. And it’s not over, since the sector policeman, the (CRE) should also announce an increase of at least 20% in distribution rates.
“With distribution costs weighing on average a quarter of the French gas bill, this should represent, depending on the type of customer, between 5 and 10% of the final bill. Gas transport costs will also increase, of the order of 15% in 2024, but on a smaller scale: the final impact on the bill will be less than 1%,” Les Echos indicated this Thursday.
In the meantime, gas subscribers will be able to breathe a little. The Energy Regulatory Commission announced on Wednesday that the benchmark price of gas, the one which replaced the regulated tariff (TRV) as an indication, is falling for the month of February, as in January.
The price of a kilowatt hour (kWh) continues to decline after several successive increases. According to the CRE’s recommendations, the rate considered reasonable per kWh is 0.09851 euros including tax for the “heating” household and 0.12144 euros per kWh for a “hot water and cooking” household.
As a result, the price of the subscription hardly changes, we’ll tell you more.
The CRE still recommends an annual price of between 102.94 euros and 257.18 euros per year for the subscription, reports an article from Money Vox. Since the end of the regulated gas price in July 2023, the subscription price has increased by just over 2 euros including tax for the cooking/hot water consumer and by almost 8 euros including tax for the heating consumer.
As a reminder, the CRE benchmark price does not correspond to an energy supply strictly speaking, but only to a reasonable rate. In other words, it serves as a compass for consumers as well as suppliers to set “the fair price of gas”. Many of the offers proposed by suppliers are also indexed there. It is therefore possible to compare the gas offers available on the market in relation to the benchmark price.