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There is a gigantic “thermos flask” on the A7 south of the Hamburg Elbe Tunnel. From the outside, the structure is reminiscent of a rusty tin can, but the city of Hamburg is pursuing an important goal with the pressurized heat storage system.

A heavy-duty crane has now lifted a 72-tonne domed roof onto the rusty tin can, which drivers can see from afar on the A7 south of the Elbe Tunnel. This “thermos flask” will warm many Hamburg households for the next heating season. What it’s all about.

Around 20,000 households will then benefit from the gigantic “thermos flask” in Waltershof on the A7. Hot water will soon be stored in the compressed heat storage tank, which can be fed into the district heating network if necessary.

This hot water is one of several building blocks to ensure that Hamburg can gradually say goodbye to coal combustion and that the Tiefstack thermal power plant is converted into the Tiefstack energy park.

The heat is generated nearby at Aurubis on the Veddel. Waste heat is generated during the production of copper. In the future, Aurubis will direct this in the form of 105 degrees Celsius hot water to the nearby pressurized heat storage facility of the Hamburg energy works. Since the heat production at Aurubis and the heat requirements of households often occur at different times, an intermediate storage facility is required, namely the “thermos flask” in Waltershof.

So far, most of Aurubis’ waste heat has been dissipated because it is simply released into the environment. Except for a smaller part, which already flows via district heating pipes into HafenCity East – the first German urban district to be heated almost exclusively by industrial waste heat.

Construction work on the associated district heating pipeline began in spring 2022, which runs from the heat forming plant on Spaldingstrasse via Nagelsweg and the Brandshofer Deich to the connection point on Billhorner Brückenstrasse.

By Sandra Schäfer

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The original for this article “Hamburg wants to warm 20,000 households with a gigantic “thermos flask”” comes from Mopo.