
Gillian Anderson is a well-known actress who portrays Emily Maitlis in the Netflix movie “Scoop.” The movie focuses on the explosive interview that led to Prince Andrew stepping down from public duties. Anderson initially turned down the role of Emily due to the daunting nature of playing a living person. However, after a convincing phone call with the director, she accepted the role. She did not have the opportunity to meet Emily formally before shooting but encountered her at a charity event.

While developing the character, Anderson focused on capturing Emily’s mannerisms and voice to portray her accurately. She also appreciated the humanizing aspect of depicting Emily’s nervousness before the interview. Anderson related to the nerves and fears that come with high-stakes situations, despite her experience in the industry.

Recreating the interview scene with Rufus Sewell playing Prince Andrew was surreal for Anderson. The set and performances were uncannily similar to the real footage, making it a unique and challenging experience for the actors. Anderson found it gratifying to celebrate the group of women behind the interview, highlighting their courage and determination in bringing attention to the victims of trafficking.

Overall, the movie “Scoop” sheds light on the women at the heart of the story, emphasizing their role in exposing the truth and holding powerful figures accountable. Anderson’s portrayal of Emily Maitlis captures the essence of a determined journalist navigating a high-pressure situation with grace and humanity.