
Glen Powell’s Terrier Poodle Mix, Brisket, Goes on an Adventure During a Commercial Flight

In a heartwarming and unexpected turn of events, actor Glen Powell shares the exciting story of his dog, Brisket, escaping during a recent commercial flight. Brisket, a tiny terrier poodle mix known for his lovable personality, managed to win over the hearts of all passengers on board.

How Did Brisket Manage to Escape on the Plane?

Powell recalls falling asleep on the flight, only to wake up and find Brisket missing from his carrier. Despite initial panic, Powell discovered that Brisket had ventured out to socialize with the other passengers on the plane. Children and adults alike were delighted to cuddle and play with the adventurous pup, turning a potential mishap into a heartwarming experience.

The Unbreakable Bond Between Glen Powell and Brisket

Since adopting Brisket with the help of the Labelle Foundation, Powell has formed an unbreakable bond with his furry companion. Brisket has become a constant presence in Powell’s life, accompanying him on various adventures, including the filming of his latest projects. As Brisket continues to spread joy wherever he goes, Powell emphasizes the impact of having a loyal and loving pet by his side.