
A gun rights group, Gun Owners of America, has accused YouTube of promoting an “ominous narrative” about firearms with their new policy on firearms content. The organization claims that by imposing age restrictions on videos showcasing the use of firearms, YouTube is sending a message to minors that guns are evil. Gun Owners of America sent a letter to YouTube CEO Neal Mohan expressing their concerns about the new “firearms policy,” which prohibits certain content starting on June 18.

According to Google, the new policy will prohibit videos that demonstrate how to remove safety devices and will age restrict content showing homemade firearms, automatic firearms, and certain firearm accessories. Gun Owners of America argues that restricting access to adults only for content depicting constitutionally-protected activities is wrong. They believe that this policy change will influence young Americans to view firearms in a negative light and not question further violations of Second Amendment rights.

YouTube, on the other hand, states that the updates to their firearms policy are part of their efforts to reflect the current state of content on the platform. They consulted with third-party experts, such as law enforcement and public safety stakeholders, to develop these changes. However, Gun Owners of America is concerned that these changes will have a chilling effect on the First and Second Amendments.

The gun rights group questions the timing of the rule changes, suggesting that they may have been influenced by the upcoming election cycle. They also inquire whether the Biden administration or the White House played a role in the decision-making process. Gun Owners of America is seeking answers to seven questions regarding the policy change and hopes for a prompt response from YouTube.

In conclusion, the organization emphasizes the importance of protecting the rights of Americans regarding the First and Second Amendments. They are urging YouTube to address their concerns and provide clarity on the motivations behind the new firearms policy. Gun Owners of America believes that these changes will disproportionately impact the Second Amendment community on YouTube and are calling for transparency in the decision-making process.