The 55-year-old Christopher Swales had made a parachute jump on his wife as a gift for their thirtieth wedding anniversary celebration. Together with an instructor and up popped Kelly out of a plane over the Grand Canyon, but with a redirect to the landing place was in the wrong. Something went wrong with the parachute, so the two hit the ground and clapped our hands.
The British couple, Deborah and Christopher, Swales, this year was thirty years old, married, and made in honor of the birthday of a grand tour of the Americas. During this trip He is also one of his biggest dreams to realize a parachute jump. It was a gift from Deborah, who gave him the ticket was given to him at the time of renewal of their vows last year.
The parachute jump went dramatically wrong. According to the local sheriff and had He and his instructor of any problems during the free fall. “It is not known how long exactly they have fallen, and there was no evidence of a criminal offence”, as was the man again. There was, however, an investigation into the company’s Paragon Skydive, which will now need to prove that the parachutes, and other materials that are well maintained.
even Though He is not a long time after the landing and died of his wounds, came to the instructor with a broken leg from it. The 61-year-old sister, Kelly, told The Daily Mail that she was shocked by the tragedy. “He and his wife had a great marriage. She wanted to be in Arizona, as well as their happiness and celebrate, but it wasn’t to be.”