
Help on the Horizon for Flood-Plagued Downsview Neighbourhood

Residents in Toronto’s flood-prone Downsview neighbourhood have been living in fear for over a decade due to severe flooding issues. More than 150 homes in Winston Park are affected by serious flooding every five years, with residents growing increasingly concerned about the frequency of these events due to climate change.

Why Has the City Delayed Fixing the Flooding Issue?

Despite knowing about the problem for over 12 years, the city has yet to implement a permanent solution for the flooding in the Downsview area. Councillor James Pasternak has been pushing for action, but the proposed projects have not moved past the planning stage. The geography of the area, with a park acting as a catch basin, exacerbates the flooding issues, leaving residents feeling neglected and vulnerable.

What Solutions are Being Considered to Address the Flooding Problems?

One proposed solution is to upgrade a holding tank buried under a local park to handle more runoff from the sewer pipes. However, the cost of tearing up six neighbourhood streets, replacing sewer lines, and upgrading the tank would amount to $9.5 million, exceeding the city’s Basement Flooding Protection Program budget. This has left residents like Justin Blundon and Rosarea Madrone feeling frustrated and abandoned by the city, as they continue to face the devastating impacts of repeated floods.