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Urgent Call for Blood Donations in Quebec

In a recent statement, Héma-Québec has issued an urgent appeal for O+, O-, and B- blood donations as their reserves have significantly decreased in the past few weeks. The current shortage of these specific blood types comes at a time when there is typically an increased demand for blood products.

Impact of Blood Type Shortage on the Community

With the recent wave of sunny weather leading to many donors cancelling their appointments, Héma-Québec is struggling to meet the daily average of 1,000 donations needed to fulfill the demand for blood. The agency has highlighted the critical need for donors with O+, O-, and B- blood types to come forward and make a donation to replenish the dwindling reserves.

How You Can Help

If you have one of the needed blood types and are eligible to donate, you can schedule an appointment at jedonne.hema-quebec.qc.ca or by calling 1-800-343-7264. Additionally, donors can assess their eligibility by visiting the Héma-Québec website. Your contribution can make a significant difference in saving lives and supporting the healthcare system in Quebec.

The shortage of O+, O-, and B- blood types is a pressing issue that requires immediate attention and community support. Your donation can help ensure an an adequate blood supply for those in need.