resim 32
resim 32

Holiday vouchers are one of the significant benefits offered to employees during their career. They thus give the possibility of making savings during a stay thanks to a partial management of these tickets, which are accepted by a large number of tourism professionals. Issued by works councils or associations, they have become real means of payment, accepted by restaurants, hotels and museums. Do pensioners also have the right to benefit from it?

Some retirees from the public service, as well as from private companies, retain the privilege of benefiting from holiday vouchers, even once their career is over. They can thus take advantage of it and part of the holiday tickets remain covered under certain conditions. To obtain ANCV cheques, you must therefore be a public servant, be retired from the local authority or hospital public service, be a soldier or a retired state worker. You can also continue to get it if you no longer have a gainful activity and your income does not exceed a certain amount.

To benefit from holiday vouchers on retirement, you must pay your taxes in France. Retirees from the private sector also need to be at least 60 years old, live in France and not have resources beyond a certain ceiling. Spouses and husbands of seniors can also claim holiday vouchers. Depending on your career, your personal situation and the income declared, the payment of your holiday vouchers by the State will be between 10% and 25%.