
President Biden recently awarded the Medal of Honor to the descendants of two Civil War soldiers, Pvt. Philip G. Shadrach and Pvt. George D. Wilson, for their bravery during the Great Locomotive Chase. This event took place 162 years ago and is finally being recognized for their heroic actions.

In the spring of 1862, these Union Army soldiers executed a daring plan to disrupt Confederate supply lines near Chattanooga. Their mission involved stealing a train, destroying railroad tracks, burning bridges, and cutting telegraph wires to hinder enemy communication and movement. Despite facing challenges, they managed to cause chaos for seven hours before their stolen train ran out of fuel, leading to their capture.

While most participants in the Great Locomotive Chase were either imprisoned or executed, six survivors were later awarded the Medal of Honor for their valor. Unfortunately, two soldiers, Pvt. Shadrach and Pvt. Wilson, were executed by Confederates and never received recognition for their bravery until now.

This long-overdue recognition serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by soldiers during the Civil War and highlights the importance of honoring their courage and contributions to American history. The descendants of Pvt. Shadrach and Pvt. Wilson can now take pride in their ancestors’ bravery and the impact they had on the outcome of the war.

President Biden’s gesture of awarding the Medal of Honor to these two soldiers after 162 years sends a powerful message about the enduring legacy of those who fought for freedom and justice during one of the darkest periods in American history. It is a momentous occasion that honors the memory of all those who served and sacrificed during the Civil War, ensuring that their stories will never be forgotten.

As we reflect on this historic event and the bravery of Pvt. Shadrach and Pvt. Wilson, we are reminded of the importance of recognizing and preserving the legacy of those who fought for the values we hold dear today. Their courage and sacrifice continue to inspire generations of Americans and serve as a testament to the enduring spirit of resilience and determination that defines our nation’s history.