
Former Vice President Mike Pence’s conservative think tank, Advancing American Freedom (AAF), has recently released a memo highlighting what it perceives as a significant shift to the left within the Democratic Party over the last several decades. The memo, released ahead of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, asserts that the party has increasingly abandoned ordinary Americans in favor of its most radical fringe.

According to AAF, the Democratic Party has strayed from its past positions, moving away from a more moderate stance towards a more progressive agenda. The group points out that even prominent figures like Ronald Reagan and Mike Pence, who were once Democrats, eventually switched parties due to what they see as a shift in the party’s values.

John Shelton, AAF’s policy director, emphasized that the Democratic Party has undergone more significant changes over the years compared to the Republican Party. In a recent interview with Fox News Digital, Shelton highlighted the stark differences between the current Democratic platform and past stances, suggesting that the party has veered away from its historical roots.


1. Evolution of Democratic Party Stances
2. Impact on Key Issues: Abortion and Immigration
3. Criticism of Media Portrayal and Republican Party

Evolution of Democratic Party Stances

The memo released by AAF delves into the historical evolution of the Democratic Party’s positions on various issues, showcasing a departure from previous beliefs. One notable example cited in the memo is the party’s stance on abortion, with past DNC platforms acknowledging the ethical concerns surrounding the procedure and aiming to make it “rare.” This contrasts sharply with the more pro-choice stance that the party currently espouses.

On the issue of illegal immigration, AAF points to a significant shift in the Democratic Party’s rhetoric over the years. In the 1996 DNC platform, the party took a hardline stance against illegal immigration, stating that it “cannot tolerate” it and must take steps to stop it. This stands in contrast to the more lenient approach towards immigration that the party has adopted in recent years.

Impact on Key Issues: Abortion and Immigration

Abortion and immigration have emerged as two key issues where the Democratic Party’s shift to the left has been particularly pronounced. The party’s changing stance on abortion, from a position of acknowledging ethical concerns to a more pro-choice stance, reflects a broader shift towards progressive values within the party.

Similarly, the Democratic Party’s evolving stance on immigration has drawn criticism from AAF, with the party moving away from its previous hardline position towards a more open approach. The memo highlights the contrast between past statements condemning illegal immigration and the current narrative that emphasizes compassion and inclusivity towards immigrants.

Criticism of Media Portrayal and Republican Party

In addition to highlighting the Democratic Party’s shift to the left, AAF also criticizes the media’s portrayal of the Republican Party as extremists in light of this shift. The group argues that while the Democratic Party has moved towards more progressive positions, the Republican Party has remained more consistent with its traditional values.

Furthermore, AAF suggests that the Democratic Party’s departure from a bipartisan consensus on key issues has led to a polarized political landscape. By abandoning more moderate positions in favor of a more progressive agenda, the party risks alienating a significant portion of the electorate.


The analysis by Advancing American Freedom raises important questions about the evolution of the Democratic Party and its impact on American politics. As the party continues to shift to the left, it faces challenges in appealing to a broad spectrum of voters and maintaining a sense of moderation. The memo serves as a reminder of the importance of staying true to core values while adapting to changing political landscapes.