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They have enough to rub their hands. Long-awaited, the revaluation of the yield rate of the Livret A has finally been confirmed by the Minister of Economy, Finance, Economic and Digital Sovereignty. As of August 1, 2022, said Bruno Le Maire, savers will benefit from remuneration that is disproportionate to what they have come to know in recent years. All in all, says Capital, savers’ earnings have quadrupled. Enough to draw smiles to the most worried.

However, reminds the economist Philippe Crevel in our columns, it will take more for the Livret A to be profitable. And for good reason ! Even with a rate of 2%, scheduled for next month, it must face inflation that could soon – and permanently! – exceed 6.5%, informs the daily Les Echos on its site. The shortfall generated for savers is therefore more than substantial…

The Livret A, indicates the macro-economist, has never been a particularly profitable product (which does not mean that it has never been so stricto sensu). “That’s not the goal,” he says before going into detail: “It’s a short-term, precautionary savings product. It aims above all to guarantee the security and liquidity of the sums that are invested… and in this respect, there is no better on the market”.

Therefore, it can quickly become complex to accumulate large gains on your Livret A. Particularly with regard to the ceiling fixed on the sums that it is possible to deposit there… The latter is indeed established at 22,950 euros. More information about this in our slideshow below.