
The social network X, formerly known as Twitter, has recently announced that it will now allow pornographic content on its platform. This decision has raised concerns among many users who do not want to be exposed to such explicit material while using the app. However, there are steps you can take to block this type of content and protect your online experience.

If you want to avoid seeing NSFW (not safe for work) posts on X, you can adjust your settings to filter out sensitive content. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Click on More > Settings and privacy.
2. Choose Privacy and safety > Content you see.
3. Uncheck the box for Display media that may contain sensitive content.
4. Click on Search settings and check Hide sensitive content.

Additionally, you can use the Mute and block option to further customize your content preferences. This feature allows you to hide specific words, hashtags, and accounts that you do not want to see on your timeline. Simply follow these steps:

1. Choose Muted words.
2. Click the + (plus) button at the top right and enter the word or hashtag you want to block (e.g., #nsfw).
3. Make sure to select From anyone and Until you unmute the word.
4. Click Save to apply the changes.

It is important to note that these settings may not be foolproof, especially when it comes to protecting children from accessing inappropriate content on X. If you have kids who use the app, it is crucial to have open and honest conversations with them about the risks associated with online content. Encourage them to come to you if they encounter anything that makes them uncomfortable.

For additional protection, you can utilize parental control features available on different devices. Apple devices offer the Screen Time feature, which allows you to set limits on content and apps. Google Family Link is a useful tool for managing screen time and content on Android devices. Microsoft Family Safety provides similar controls for Windows, Xbox, and Android platforms.

If you find that these built-in tools are not sufficient, there are numerous third-party parental control apps available that offer more advanced features for blocking explicit content on X and other social media platforms. By taking proactive steps to safeguard your online experience, you can enjoy using X without being exposed to unwanted material.