How to get closer to the Brexit the more British Belgians are number of naturalisations in July
How to get closer to the Brexit the more British Belgians are number of naturalisations in July

A record number of Britons are in the month of July, the Belgian nationality is acquired. It turns out that that Thursday, the preliminary data of the statistical agency Statbel on nationaliteitswijzigingen.

a total of 272 British to Belgian to be naturalized. There are 96 increase (+55%) than in the 176 British citizenship, which a month earlier were recorded. However, this latter figure was also a record. In the first seven months of this year, has been 1.045 British, Belgians have become, or 88 per cent more than in the same period of time, in 2018 and beyond.

Since the announcement of Brexit, in June of 2018 earned 3.902 British, the Belgian. This is more than three times in a ten-year period prior to the referendum all together.
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