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Allegations of Racial Discrimination Against American Airlines

In a recent lawsuit filed against American Airlines, three black men, Alvin Jackson, Emmanuel Jean Joseph, and Xavier Veal, have alleged that they were removed from a flight after a complaint from an unidentified passenger about body odour. However, the men claim that it was actually a case of racial discrimination, as all the black passengers on the flight were removed. The incident occurred on a flight from Phoenix, Arizona, to New York, where each of the men had flown from Los Angeles earlier that day without any issues.

Unjust Treatment and Humiliation

The men, who were not seated together and did not know each other, were approached by a flight attendant while preparing to depart Phoenix and were asked to exit the plane. They later re-boarded the flight after a delay was announced due to an issue with “body odour,” a claim that the men say was false. The lawsuit filed by a consumer advocacy group, Public Citizen, states that the men experienced feelings of embarrassment, humiliation, anxiety, anger, and distress throughout the flight, as they were subjected to undue suspicion and anger from other passengers.

Call for Accountability and Justice

The men, along with five others, were told by an airline agent that they were removed from the flight due to a complaint from a white male flight attendant about an unidentified passenger’s body odour. While American Airlines employees attempted to re-book the men on other flights, the group was eventually allowed to re-take their seats on the original flight. The men have called for accountability from the airline and are seeking unspecified damages for the trauma they endured. American Airlines has stated that they are investigating the matter and take all claims of discrimination seriously, emphasizing their commitment to providing a positive experience for all customers.