
In late 2013, Hunter Biden revealed to his business associates that a high-ranking Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader had invited him to visit China to discuss potential business ventures. During a six-day trip around Asia with his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, Hunter introduced his father to a Chinese business associate in Beijing. He also attended various events with powerful CCP leaders and had lunch with them.

One of Hunter’s business associates, Jonathan Li, expressed interest in accompanying him to meet with the former Governor of Hong Kong, C.H. Tung, to explore business opportunities. Tung, who was a billionaire and the vice chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), reportedly wanted to discuss potential collaborations with Hunter and his associates.

In subsequent emails, Hunter discussed introducing his Chinese business partners to Tung to discuss investment targets and fundraising opportunities. Despite expressing willingness to facilitate the meeting, Hunter admitted that he couldn’t recall the names of the individuals he had dined with in Beijing, including Tung.

Tung’s presence at state dinners during the Obama-Biden administration highlighted his influential connections in both China and the United States. As the vice chairman of the CPPCC, Tung played a key role in liaising with non-Communist Party members to advance the CCP’s interests. He also founded the China-U.S. Exchange Foundation (CUSEF) and had close ties with top Washington figures, including John Podesta, President Biden’s climate envoy.

Tung’s efforts to engage with Historically Black Colleges and Universities in the U.S. raised questions about his intentions and the nature of his interactions with Black American communities. His organization’s substantial payments to a Black public relations consultant underscored the depth of his involvement in outreach efforts.

Despite these revelations, Hunter Biden’s attorney, his business associates, and the White House have remained silent on the matter. The connections between Hunter Biden, his associates, and influential Chinese figures like C.H. Tung raise concerns about the potential implications for U.S.-China relations and the Biden administration’s stance on Chinese influence in American affairs.