Hype YouTube Video The little shark eats the most direct path to the brain
Hype YouTube Video The little shark eats the most direct path to the brain

It is well known that parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents suffer a lot, if it serves to bring children’s eyes Shine. But what has been planted, the Korean production company Pinkfong now in the heads of millions of children around the world, even for the most resistant to stress most adults to the test. The talk is of “Baby Shark”, a cheerful children’s song about a family of sharks, to sing to the these days especially the English speaking Kids and dancing. The original video on Youtube currently has over two billion views, the endless Remix versions will not be counted. Two small children sing and dance in an animated underwater world – mixed with a lot of “doo doo doo doo”. The Song eats itself on a direct path to the brain, it is absolutely impossible to escape him.

“Baby Shark” is one of the 40 most-clicked Youtube Videos of all time. In the UK, the Song is currently # 33 on the singles Charts, ahead of internationally successful artists such as Rapper Drake. The British offshoot of the casting show “X-Factor” opened at the beginning of December for its final show and got a huge Shitstorm.

this is Because the baby shark polarized, and although Pinkfong the Video produced by as early as 2016, the experience of the Song, thanks to an ingenious marketing strategy now a new climax. Thanks to the #baby shark challenge, the Song is also driving outside the nursery on the loose. Based on the #KikiChallenge, in the case of the fun birds all over the world to Drake’s “In my Feelings” to dance while the car is driving in step speed and with the door open next to you along, discover a particularly fun time, enjoyed the Song about the baby shark in this way.

And just in time for the Christmas business, the Merchandising machine of jumps: The Chinese toy manufacturer WowWee brings the Haifamilie as plush versions on the market.

To the chagrin of all involved in education, people are singing the Plüschhaie. After just one weekend they were all Online vendors are sold out. “Fortunately”, the a curls, while others look for means and Ways, to the sharks for the sake of getting your children under the Christmas tree – Not even for a three-digit sum.