When private Charles Staubus searched Hitler’s office, he found two things. He still has both of them 80 years later.

An American veteran wrote to his father on Hitler’s letterhead that World War II was over, reports the Daily Mail. Charles Staubus from Kansas found the letterhead in April 1945 in Adolf Hitler’s second government headquarters on the Obersalzberg.

By this time, Hitler had already committed suicide and many high-ranking Nazis had already fled. Staubus was ordered to search Hitler’s office. “The last thing that was on his desk was a seating plan of the most important Nazis,” Staubus recalls.

The American also found two unused sheets of Hitler’s personal stationery. “I kept one for myself and on the other I wrote to my father that the war was over,” says Staubus. The American army never found out about his discovery. The sheet of stationery and the seating plan are still in good condition even after more than 80 years.

Charles Staubus had only arrived in Europe in June 1944 along with the US Army’s 82nd Airborne Division and 160,000 other Allied soldiers. Staubus recalls: “When I arrived in France, they took me to a big tent full of uniforms and said the people who had those uniforms were all dead.”

But he did not face the same cruel fate as his predecessors. He lived to see the victory over Nazi Germany and returned home. Today, the 99-year-old lives in a nursing home, but still has his souvenirs from the Second World War.

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