Ian Thomas and Evy De Boosere replacing Catherine Van Eylen and the Katja Schuurman The worlds smartest man
Ian Thomas and Evy De Boosere replacing Catherine Van Eylen and the Katja Schuurman The worlds smartest man

Switches to the kandidatenbank of The smartest man in the world : TELEVISION the sports anchor, Catherine Van Eylen (48) is the Dutch actress Katja Schuurman (44) will be this fall and will not play in the popular game. They will be replaced by Evy De Boosere, and Ian Thomas.

now, Catherine Van Eylen broke up in september, and her hip on a bike ride. She’s still not fully recovered and should be in the next few weeks to focus on her rehabilitation. “We would like to wish Catherine lots of change for the better,” says the host, Erik Van Looy. Schuurman struggling with an intractable conflict to its agenda. “We are hoping for her, and Katya, in a later season of The world’s smartest person be able to as a result.”

finally, Fortunately, found, ronald mcdonald will be two replacements: Evy De Boosere (45), well-known programs, such as Misdaaddokters and Wetsdokters , and the singer, Ian Thomas day (22). “I was very impressed by some of the stories that Evy is in all of them told me,” says Van Looy. “I am really looking forward to its arrival. I know that they will, in addition to its special appeal to horse-riding to do, and have a fascination for skulls. I find that to be interesting as well. And Ian had long been promised to be the one to do it. I am grateful to him that he was now ready for me to take. He was an incredibly warm guy who was our studio, it will flood-with good vibes.”

If you are new to the candidates, their appearance will be, it is not yet known. The next episode of The smartest man in the world it is Monday night broadcast. Contained therein Geike Arnaert (40) & sue Stockman (32) and the newcomer, Sebastien Dewaele (41), which is known as the “little ones” out of the growing your Own.
find out More about The smartest man In the bathtub-with Koen Crucke, and a petting zoo with Sven De Leijer, “The world’s smartest man,” James Cooke, is proud with the two of them, and Astrid, and Seemingly sees everywhere and have been in The “world’s smartest human being,” When is a seksuologe, “The world’s smartest person is’ better ‘The lion king’ sings’ a operasopraan as well as a musical star in The “dirty” trick, Philippe Geubels, and Erik Van Looy will have to (re -) pay for it with his teeth, and his divorce