
NewsBreak, a popular news app in the U.S. with over 50 million monthly users, has been under scrutiny for spreading misinformation through AI-generated content, as reported by Reuters. The company, which is rooted in China, maintains its technology in Beijing and receives funding from a Chinese company with alleged ties to the country’s military.

The Reuters report highlighted instances where NewsBreak used AI to create news stories that were entirely false. For example, on Christmas Eve, NewsBreak published a story about a shooting in Bridgeton, New Jersey, which never occurred. The Bridgeton police department confirmed the article was fake, generated using AI technology.

While NewsBreak publishes content from reputable sources like Reuters, Fox, CNN, and AP, it also sources information from the internet and paraphrases press releases. This has led to incidents where the app’s AI-generated stories have disrupted local communities. For instance, inaccurate information about food distribution times from NewsBreak caused a Colorado-based food bank to turn people away.

NewsBreak’s CEO, Jeff Zheng, has ties to China, as he is also the founder of the Chinese news aggregation app Yidian. The company’s connection to Beijing-based IDG Capital, listed as working with the Chinese military, raises concerns about its operations. However, there is no evidence that NewsBreak censors news or produces content in favor of the Chinese government.

To protect yourself from misinformation online, verify sources, check author credibility, use fact-checking tools, and be cautious of social media content. As AI technology continues to evolve, it is crucial to rely on trusted sources for accurate information.

In the age of digital media and AI-generated content, platforms like NewsBreak have a responsibility to combat misinformation and uphold journalistic integrity. As consumers of news, it is essential to be vigilant and discerning in our media consumption habits. Trustworthy sources and critical thinking are key in navigating the digital landscape filled with AI-generated content and potential misinformation.