
An illegal immigrant from El Salvador has been charged with the murder of Maryland mother of five, Rachel Morin, according to police. Victor Martinez-Hernandez was arrested late Friday night and booked on Saturday morning. He faces charges of first-degree murder and first-degree rape.

Victor Martinez-Hernandez, 23, illegally entered the United States in February 2023. Harford County Sheriff Jeffery Gahler stated that Martinez-Hernandez is suspected of committing a murder in El Salvador before fleeing to the U.S. Gahler also mentioned that the suspect was linked to a DNA match in a Los Angeles assault in March 2023.

Rachel Morin, a 37-year-old mother of five, was reported missing in August after going for a run on the Ma & Pa Trail in Bel Air, Maryland. Her body was found the next day. The police released sketches of Martinez-Hernandez in February after DNA evidence tied him to the Los Angeles home invasion.

Sheriff Gahler criticized the immigration policies that allowed Martinez-Hernandez to enter the country illegally. He emphasized the need for stronger border security to protect American citizens. Gahler condemned the violent acts committed by the suspect and expressed his condolences to the Morin family.

Rachel Morin’s mother, Patricia Morin, thanked law enforcement for their efforts in solving her daughter’s murder. She expressed gratitude for their dedication to finding justice for Rachel. Patricia acknowledged the hard work of the investigators and their commitment to bringing the perpetrator to justice.

The tragic murder of Rachel Morin highlights the importance of border security and the need to address illegal immigration. It serves as a reminder of the potential dangers posed by criminals who enter the country unlawfully. The case also underscores the critical role of law enforcement in solving violent crimes and bringing closure to grieving families.

As the community mourns the loss of Rachel Morin, the investigation into her murder continues. The arrest of Victor Martinez-Hernandez provides some closure, but the impact of the tragedy lingers. It is essential to remember Rachel’s life and the love she shared with her family, as they navigate the difficult road ahead.